Disruptive technology and competition present volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) to the fastener industry, even as the screw biz surges. But fear not, George Hunt III of BBI discusses ways of bringing stability and success to a life in fasteners, with work and family in simple equilibrium (1:16:09). NFDA president, Kelly Cole joins Fastener Technology International editor, Mike McNulty to dissect the latest uptick in the FDI numbers on the Fastener News Report (45:12). Mack Brooks show producer, Jessica Boweak reviews the recent Fastener Fair Mexico, and sets the stage for next year’s exhibition in Detroit (32:23). Plus, Carmen Vertullo talks dip spinning on the Fastener Training Minute (1:08:24). Brian and Eric react to the latest announcement from VUCA-inducing Amazon, and try not to act afraid. Run time: 02:17:03